Alberco's History
Alberco Construction Ltd. established its roots many years ago when its founder, Gus Simonsmeier,
began building schools in 1962.
Over the next 16 years, the company expanded into institutional, highrise commercial, vehicle parkades,
water reservoirs, pump houses and wastewater lift station projects.
Alberco Construction Ltd. was incorporated in 1978 when Ron Simonsmeier, P. Eng. entered the business.
Gus had always wanted to build a bridge before he retired. In 1981 Alberco built its first bridge on
170 St & Yellowhead Trail in Edmonton, Ab.
Starting in 1988, Ron with his new business partner Bruce Moisey, expanded the company over the next 22 years and
established Alberco's reputation as a premium bridge contractor.
Andrew Simonsmeier, P. Eng. is now the 3rd generation to carry on the business in the tradition and values of his grandfather.
With partners, Mike Rozendaal, P. Eng. and Joe Kabarchuk, P. Eng., Alberco remains focused on continuing to excel in
its core business areas.